Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Simple and Sweet things... Jackson does!

Ok so, I caught Jackson getting into his piggy bank yesterday. I promptly told him to put his money back in his bank, he said mom I need to take it to school. I said, you are not buying any more pencils for 25 cents each - sorry! Jackson said no mom we are collecting money for these kids with really hurt hearts and I need to help them make their hearts better with my money. After I got over the awww can he be any cuter and sweet thought in my head I went over to him and knelt down by him to talk about it. We had a nice little chat and I was quietly and simply reminded that being a mom to this sweet little one is what life is all about. He took his 4 dollar bills he got out of his piggy bank and they are now helping those kids with hurt hearts!


Petersen Family of 4 said...

Oooohhhhh! He is sooooo Cute!! And what a good kid. You had better write that down to remember how sweet he was for when he turns 17. Hopefully he will still be sweet. Haha. That is nice though. You will have to let me know how much money they raise. And get an update on how the kids are doing.

~Kris said...

What a sweet boy!! It is so great when they remind us of the important things. He is so darling. I can't believe how big he is getting. I love the picture of the kids on the beach. Are you guys doing ok? We'll have to talk soon!!

BALLS said...

Awe how nice of him! Isnt funny how they think of those kinds of things when really they dont know what is happening most of the time.
Colby wants to know if you felt bad after getting mad at him for thinking of buying more pencils. haha

Stephanie said...

I felt so bad about getting mad at him for the 25 cent pencils. He has about 50 - 75 he has snuck and bought though. Don't really think he needs anymore. But I did feel like a dill for getting mad at him, he was so concerned about those little kids with hurt hearts. I am a bad mom! :(

Miralyn said...

sweet story...thanks for sharing. they remind us everyday of how to choose the right. :)