Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A visit with Santa, making Gingerbread Houses, & Christmas Morning!!

Our activities in December were many. Here is just a glimpse of 3 of them. We had a visit with Santa Claus. The kids were sure to tell him everything they wanted. Santa was a very good listener! Jackson asked Santa what his address was at the North Pole?? His answer 1 North Pole. That seemed to satisfy Jackson - thank goodness!Next we had a gingerbread house making/decorating night at our house with friends. The kids had fun and did a great job decorating their houses. I didn't get a picture of the finished products - shoot! Christmas morning was exciting as always! The kids were full of excitement and happy with what they worked so hard to be good for all year. Rylie got her big mountain bike (pink of course) and Jackson got a BB gun and enough Dallas Cowboys football deco to cover his whole room from top to bottom. Seriously you should see his room. It is hard to believe another Christmas season has come and gone. We have so much to be thankful for.
Don't you just love Rylie's pose showing off her stuff? Price is Right here she comes. What a ham!


BALLS said...

haha way to go santa, he must have really been on his toes for that question! and of course jackson would ask that! all the pictures are so cute. the kids look so happy. glad you all had a good christmas. you just forgot to put up a picture of you and britt. i want some pictures of you guys posing by your stuff. you should take lessons from rylie! :)

katyosborne said...

Santa is so the man! looks like you all had a great christmas, i never got a pink mountain bike before i wonder if that is whats wrong with me, I will have to ride it around the neighborhood with jackson's BB gun to shoot at the snakes that jump out of drainage holes at you the next time I come out.(We will probably have to lower the seat rylie is so tall she will totally fit in on the price is right!