Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What's next?...... A Birthday and a Baptism!!

December 28th Jackson turned 8. A big year for Jackson boy!! Not only did he turn 8 but he got baptized too. We were lucky enough to have our parents and Uncle Craig and Aunt Tara here for the big day. Thanks again guys for making the long trip. Two trips to Texas in 7 months is a lot to expect but you all came and we are so glad you did! We really appreciate it and love you all bunches. The 2nd of January was the big day.

Uncle Craig and Aunt Tara came from Kentucky and Florida.

Grandpa and Grandma Buchanan came from Utah.

Granddaddy and Grandmother Richardson came from Kentucky.

It was a very special day! Jackson good job for making the decision to be baptized. You are a sweet boy and we enjoy you every minute of the day. You bring a lot of fun to our home. Your personality is so fun and happy. We are so blessed and grateful to have you in our home.

Another post and pics of Jackson's crazy fun birthday party to come.


BALLS said...

YEY... way to go Jackson boy! congrats on turning the big 8!! we are so proud of you and we miss you! we hope to see you soon!
love colby and sheena

katyosborne said...

CONGRATS Jackson that is so awesome that you decided to get baptised it is also so awesome that your dad did not drowned you when he did it. We sure wish that we could have come to it that sure was a special day. Can't wait to see ya.