This is the month for... gHOsts, WitCHes, jAck-O-lAntErns, coStuMes, CaNdY and I will add.... CREEPY CRAWLY HAIRY CRITTERS!!!! I am TERRIFIED of SPIDERS. Even the littlest ones you can find, but when you come home from a long day and hear your dog in the backyard barking, which is unusual because she never really barks ever, and going crazy and it is pitch DARK outside AND YOUR HUSBAND IS OUT OF TOWN (breathe) then you tell your kids to back away from the patio door because you aren't sure if there is a creepy crazy person in your backyard (I did not really say that to my kids, but I was sure thinking it) and then I flip on the outside lights and I see Rugby (the dog) going crazy over this... a BIG disgusting hairy TARANTULA!I literally started to hyperventilate.... was not sure what I should do because there was no way I was getting near this thing, they jump you know? really they do (breathe) so I ran next door to our neighbors and got Bob to come and get rid of the CREEPY CRAWLY thing which had took off crawling up the wall next to the patio door, THANK goodness Bob was home and he came right over and got the YUCKY thing off the wall and onto a shovel, lets not forget my kids and his kids had joined in on the FUN and were letting out these nice high pitched Halloween ScREamS btw, and then Bob took it out of our backyard, don't really know what he did with it, not sure I care as long as it doesn't make it's way back to my house. GROSS!!