Saturday, January 3, 2009

Visit with Pop and Nanny

We went to Kentucky on the 26th to be with Britt's family for the holidays. I will add more about that later. While we were there we were able to drive up to Tennessee and see Britt's grandparents. They are both 90 and have had a rough 2007 and 2008. This was an important trip for us. We really felt we needed to go see them and have the kids and us spend some time with them. They moved into a assisted living home a few years ago. They had to sell their home and we wanted to see it one more time. So we first went to get some pictures of it. This was especially hard on Britt who has had alot of fun memories spent in their home.

It was on to see them next and take them out for lunch. The assisted living place is really nice. It was all decorated for Christmas and looked really festive. We went to lunch at the Cracker Barrell and then ran a few errands with them, then headed back to visit and take pictures. Britt's brothers Matt and Craig and their families were there as well. The only one missing was Scott and his wife (Britts oldest brother).

Pop took the little kids for a walk around the halls to show them where they eat and have activities. That was special.

It was so nice to be able to spend some time with them and so hard to leave them. They are wonderful people. We feel very lucky to have such good grandparents on both sides of the family who love us for who we are and cheer us on in all we do!

1 comment:

The Mitchell's said...

Looks like you guys had a ton of fun. I must admit Brit's "Nanny" looks a lot like grandma anne..