Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sweet Girl!!!

Britt wasn't the only one to have a birthday in May! Rylie had hers too!!! We now have a 9 year old in the house - holler! She is such a sweet girl and a BIG helper! She choose to have her party at the roller rink. We had a 70's style party with tye dye clothing, and games and a lot of groovy skating. The pictures are not the best and I didn't even get a picture of her cake. It was so cute. It was tye dye with a big peace sign in the middle of it. Anyway.... it was really cute! Just 9 things we love about Rylie....

1. gorgeous thick red hair ( that she lets me fix it anyway I want).
2. her willingness to help ALWAYS!!
3. the way she plays the piano beautifully.
4. her hug she gives me EVERY morning before she does anything else.
5. her smile and wave she gives when I drop her off at dance for the 3 1/2 hours a week of dance she does.
6. her beautiful blue eyes.
7. her love of riding her pink bike.
8. that she loves her dad so much and is always so concerned about him.
9. her love of shoes. Rylie and I see eye to eye on this one, and since she is only a half a size away from being in the same size shoe as me we can soon share. Something Rylie has wanted to do for as long as I can remember. I just have to keep her away from the high heels!


katyosborne said...

Happy Birthday Rylie! We hope that you had a great day and looks like you had an awesome birthday party. I love Rylie's big blue eyes as well I also love her long long legs, and that she loves animals. Ashton-I like that she is so nice and helps me. Bam- I like her laugh when she gets tickled and that she likes to play the DS. Can't wait to see those Big blue eyes and long long legs, it is less than a week away or close too!!!

BALLS said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY RYLIE!!! I am so jealous of your birthday party. it looks like you had so much fun! i can wait to see you in 1 WEEK from today!!! so EXCITED!